Project details
How to install brands visibility and guide visitors on the front of a multidimensional building and inside a commercial Gallery?

We were challenged to enhance de visibility of the shops and brands installed in The Mint Building while walking on the streets of the center of Brussels during day and night but also guiding from the exterior to the entrance of the Metro station.

Our key constraints: a very varying architecture mixing both high glass front and low constructions, a square shaped base integrating different type of shops and restaurants and a Unesco zone protecting a large part of the building.

We came up with a solution respecting all constraints by integrating latest technological developments. On the four fronts, we installed a connected series of screens used to communicate both commercial units and brands as well as a tool to display a global message on the four sides of the base of the building.

We kept the same vision inside the building, using led lighting and screen to guide visitors in the Gallery respecting the initial wayfinding installation.

This project was conceived on a building by architects DDS+